Essential Tips for Reporting

Key Strategies for Ensuring the Safety of Vulnerable Adults

Reporting abuse, neglect, and exploitation is an essential step in safeguarding vulnerable adults and ensuring their safety. When you suspect that an adult is being abused or neglected, it is crucial that you make an effective report. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.

Tips for creating an informative and reliable report:

The more detail you can provide in your report, the more effective that report will ultimately be. However, do not delay making a report in order to collect information. Be prepared to provide as much detail as you can, including specific incidents, dates, times, locations, and any relevant details that can help authorities in their investigation.
If you have a strong feeling that something is wrong, trust your intuition. Even if you don't have concrete evidence, it's important to take your concerns seriously and report them. Trained professionals can assess the situation and determine the appropriate actions to protect the individual.
When making a report, use clear, objective, and factual language. Use specific names, dates, times, and locations. Stick to the information you have personally witnessed or of which you have reliable knowledge. Avoid speculation or assumptions, and concisely present the facts as well as words that may be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Clear communication helps authorities understand the situation accurately.
Include as much identifying information for the vulnerable adult and the individual you suspect of abusing, neglecting, or exploiting the vulnerable adult as you can. This may include their names, ages, addresses, contact details, and any relevant background information that can assist in the investigation. Providing accurate and detailed information helps authorities take appropriate action.

To respect the confidentiality and privacy of the individuals involved, only share detailed information with APS, law enforcement, and medical personnel. Avoid discussing the situation with unauthorized individuals to protect the vulnerable adult's well-being and maintain their privacy.